Por que Escolher a Salt como Parceira Estratégica para sua Empresa?
The challenges HR faces today are directly connected to the transformations society and the market are experiencing. The constant evolution of technology impacts both business and personal life, requiring new ways to connect, work, and lead. Being prepared for this new reality is essential for companies to succeed.
This is where Salt stands out as a consultancy committed to elevating your company’s HR and Leadership to a truly strategic role. Our goal is to reposition HR as an indispensable ally for organizational success, helping your company achieve consistent and sustainable results.
No one is better equipped to explain this than Salt’s founder, Laura Widal, who brings a unique perspective on how HR and leaders are the true agents of transformation within companies.
"When we created Salt, our goal was to have the utmost ability to offer services and experiences designed to meet the unique needs of each client. With years of experience, we realized that ready-made solutions often don’t fit. Based on proven methodologies, innovating with a focus on each specific reality was the ideal approach," explains Laura Widal.
"Creating a range of services was a significant challenge. Within what we offer and what we are hired for, there’s an important flexibility to adapt to the context of each organization. We are always open to adjustments. That’s why we prefer to work with adaptable solutions, as we may encounter challenges different from those initially anticipated," adds Laura Widal."
Laura emphasizes that “the contemporary world demands agility and efficiency. Studying clients' processes and seeking solutions that bring simplicity and results is always a goal. With technology, innovation, and creativity aligned with global success trends, we have been able to achieve excellent results.”
“We are a team with extensive market experience. I come from an HR background and built a career as an executive in the corporate world, so I understand the day-to-day realities and challenges. I always strive to bring solutions that I believe can deliver concrete results,” says Laura.